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Read this article about the “dire” state of newspapers and how the industry was “plunging” before Covid 19 hit and how badly newspapers need help.

After reading this hogwash I wondered what planet the reporter had visited.

My newspaper in Booneville Miss was doing 100-plus percent before Covid hot and, after our worst months of 80 percent, are back up to almost 100 percent.

It just didn’t happen this way but, because of great teamwork among employees and some out of the box promotions, not only are we not treading water but comfortably doing the back stroke and enjoying the sunshine.

It takes strategy and a willingness to look at new revenue producing ideas to weather a storm like Covid.

I am not saying the reporter did a bad job. She just didn’t have all the facts available. There are still men and women of vision in this industry that can still steer the ship through the dangerous of fogs and storms.

From: Local Journalism Under Siege

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