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Since she was hateful towards Asian people, why not ask an asian person? A white woman weighing in on racism by a black woman against Asians isn't really inspiring material.

Im Asian. And I'm a woman. I'll weigh in.

Let's start with the fact that Alexi Maccamond demonstrated extreme contempt for Asians. All her statements stood without having to drag asian-ness into them. Who doesn't begrudge a hard grading TA? She could have said stupid TA and been fine. She chose to say stupid asain ta. Imagine if someone was ranting about their stupid black TA? Would be completely unacceptable is what. Also, every woman hate tired puffy eyes and dark circles after a night of bad sleep and hard drinking. Valid point! But swollen Asian eyes? Why not just racoon eyes or whine about your bags or dark circles? Asians aren't even known for "swollen" eyes. We're known for slanted eyes. And white people are known for dark circles and bags due to their fair skin. Again, totally valid point then she dragged Asians into it...this time with non existent stereotypes. That's extreme contempt to go out of your way to drag an entire race with a stereotype that doesn't even apply to them.

But I'm all for growth and second chances. Really I am. In order for Alexi Macammond to get one I wanted to see a sincere apology for her former racism. It never came. Same generic bs that she's sorry her words hurt people. No, Alexi. Your regular words didn't hurt people, your RACIST words hurt people. I don't want to hear an apology for your words, I want to hear a sincere apology for your racism. Because that's what it was. Acknowledge it, apologize for it, and were good. But she didn't do that. So I'm just fine with her forced resignation.

From: Was It Correct for Teen Vogue Editor Alexi McCammond to Resign After Old Racist Tweets She Made in College Were Discovered?

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