With 19 comprehensive state privacy laws currently in effect and more on the horizon, digital advertising has now officially become a regulated industry. These changes in the legal landscape emphasize principles of accountability and transparency, including conducting diligence of the partners to whom businesses disclose personal information in digital ad transactions.
To meet this need, IAB launched the IAB Diligence Platform powered by SafeGuard Privacy, which offers a practical solution for third-party privacy due diligence. This new platform is available to the entire digital advertising industry, including brands, agencies, ad tech companies, publishers and platforms. IAB working groups have drafted thorough, standardized, industry-specific questionnaires that are now complete and available for use in the platform. Combined with SafeGuard Privacy’s comprehensive U.S. state law assessments, IAB’s Diligence Platform gives the industry a dynamic, comprehensive and standardized diligence privacy solution that can scale with evolving regulations.
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