90 Finalists Chosen for INMA Awards 2014, Signifies Best in Media Marketing

By: Press Release | INMA

The International News Media Association (INMA) today announced 90 finalists in the INMA Awards 2014 competition that rewards global excellence in the marketing and sales of media brands.

The INMA Awards 2014 competition garnered 560 entries from 149 media companies in 37 countries. Some 28 judges from media and advertising worldwide judged the entries.

The Times of India led all companies with seven finalist entries, followed by The New York Times and South China Morning Post with five each. Aftenposten, Aftonbladet, mX, and VG were named finalists in four categories.

First-place recipients will be announced at the INMA Awards Dinner on May 13 at the conclusion of the 84th Annual INMA World Congress at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. In addition to 30 first-place awards, the San Francisco INMA World Congress dinner will be capped by the presentation of the “Best In Show,” representing the top sales and marketing campaign by a media company from the past year.

The World Congress theme is “Fast Track to Innovation,” and features the news industry's most innovative programme geared to business model transformation, revenue generation, and corporate culture change — with a particular emphasis on digital acceleration given the conference’s location of San Francisco.

The INMA Awards 2014 competition entries were divided into two groups so that companies were judged against peers of similar sizes. For this year, Group 1 was for brands under 300,000 print circulation or 3 million unique digital visitors per month, while Group 2 was for brands above those thresholds.

Created in 1935, the 79-year-old INMA Awards competition captures the heartbeat of the global news industry’s efforts to energise brands, stimulate audiences, innovate in product development, and grow revenue — today, in transformational times.

“The clear theme from this year’s entries centered on media companies explaining to their stakeholders — readers, advertisers, employees, shareholders — their differentiating value in the emerging multi-media landscape,” said Earl J. Wilkinson, executive director and CEO of INMA. “To see that storyline play out among media companies in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia/Pacific, South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa is fascinating to see in this year’s entries.”

All entries in INMA Awards 2014 will soon be displayed at the INMA.org Campaigns archive.

Who among the 90 finalists are the world’s best media company sales and marketing initiatives? Join the INMA World Congress May 11-13 to be on the front row of this exciting announcement.


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