Daily News Deploys WebPort Online Circ Service

By: E&P Staff New York's Daily News, a longtime CircPort speech IVR user, recently deployed for its subscribers WebPort, the online circulation component of CircPort, from VoicePort, Pittsford, N.Y.

WebPort uses existing database connections to support real-time online transactions by integrating with the Daily News' Discus circulation database, allowing customers to start subscriptions and manage their existing accounts online.

WebPort provides all the CircPort circulation services used by the Daily News Web site, including reporting a delivery problem, placing a vacation hold, making a payment or checking account status, and starting a subscription. The system goes beyond online collection of subscriber data for later input by an employee during business hours.

"WebPort deployment "coincided with the launch of our new Web site, further enhancing our new online customer experience," Daily News Circulation Marketing Vice President Mike Patten said in a statement. "WebPort is an added way for our subscribers to get easy access to the information they need, anytime, anywhere."


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