Digital First Media Gives Layoff Notices To at Least 24 Journalists

By: Jim Romensko |

The Newspaper Guild of Greater Philadelphia says layoff notices were given to 24 employees of the Digital First Media-owned Delaware County Daily Times, Norristown Times Herald, the Pottstown Mercury, and the Trentonian. (Are there other DFM papers affected?)

Bill Ross, executive director of the Philly Guild, tells me Digital First Media had a no-layoffs clause for the initial year of the journalists’ contracts, “and has now decided to eliminate positions as revenue continues to decline.”

jerry wolffe
The Thunderdome was a joke anyway with AP having reporters in most cities who already knew the lay of the land. When I worked at AP and UPI and "special writers" came in to cover stories in our backyard it was as though management was saying we weren't good enough to do the job. I feel sorry for journalists, something I was for 45 years... I hope DFM pays the Thunderdome reporters/editors bonuses or at least enough money to get a flight home. writer-in-residence/advocate-at-large
feel sad for the journalists...


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