By: E&P Staff, an Internet news community that connects professional journalists with citizen journalists, has announced a new section online in which Democratic and Republic presidential candidates can address both groups.
Former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.) became the first candidate to join, submitting a blog post in which he applauded the addition to DigitalJournal: "Through efforts like Digital Journal, it?s my hope that we will be able to improve our national dialogue on issues affecting our country?s future ... I look forward to participating in this forum."
On the Web site, presidential candidates can personally post updates about their campaigns, as well as multimedia and responses to questions posed by citizen journalists. is working with other presidential candidates who have expressed interest in this new addition to the Web site. In a released statement, Editor-in-Chief Chris Hogg elaborated on the need for this change, saying, ?The influence of the mainstream media is not what it used to be. is a unique place where citizen journalists have become a powerful force in shaping public opinion.?
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