After a news-filled, hot and humid, kind of crazy August, September is a welcome relief here in Middle Tennessee. June through August is always challenging for us to make industry contacts and schedule interviews because of vacations and summer activities. Throw in a couple of political conventions, conferences and industry legislation, and this was one of the busiest summers I can remember.
This summer especially made me appreciate you, our industry readers, for your efforts to deliver the news — local, regional, national and international. It's a calling, and it's never easy. However, the adage about "drinking from a fire hose" feels very real when the news is coming fast and furious.
You may not know this, but E&P is an extremely small newsroom. We all wear many hats and are committed to delivering news to you, our readers, with as much authenticity, accuracy and timeliness as possible. Sound familiar? And in this day of newsroom cuts and slim budgets, even the large newsrooms don't have the resources needed to cover all news completely. I know you know that "all hands on deck" feeling.
So, it's even more critical that we in the news industry stick together, back each other up and do whatever we can to bolster news media and the democracy we have committed to uphold. At this critical juncture in our democracy and our industry, finger-pointing, personal ambition and divisiveness are unproductive and, quite frankly, harmful. Sitting around and complaining isn't helpful, either.
No matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, Michelle Obama’s words at the Democratic National Convention in August should resonate: “It’s up to all of us to be the antidote to darkness and division. Look, I don’t care how you identify politically, whether you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent or none of the above. This is the time to stand up for what we know in our hearts is right. To stand up, not for just our basic freedoms, but for decency and humanity, for basic respect, dignity and empathy, for the values at the very foundation of this democracy. It's up to us to remember what Kamala's mother told her: 'Don't just sit around and complain — do something.'”
Thanks to all of you who are “doing something” every day. We see you, we hear you and we applaud you. Let’s stand united because we’re much stronger together.
Robin Blinder is E&P's editor-in-chief. She has been with E&P for five years. She can be reached at
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