FBI Releases Its Files on Ted Kennedy

By: E&P Staff

The FBI on Monday released its file on the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, but they are unlikely to touch off new investigative projects by newspapers. The bureau said none of the files related to investigations of criminality, national security concerns about the  – or the incident at Chappaquiddick.

A Boston Globe report by Bryan Bender quoted the FBI summary of the 2,200 pages of files as saying they were mostly concerned with threats of violence against the senator, whose brothers President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy were both assassinated.

The file includes only public reports about the August 1969 car accident on Chappaquiddick Island in which former Robert Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne drowned. The FBI said it “"had no investigative role in the case,"

The Globe story and the FBI’s summary of the files are here.


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