First Guest Writer Named for 'Woman to Woman' Column

By: E&P Staff "Woman to Woman" will feature guest writer Andrea Cornell Sarvady in the next two columns for release Aug. 19 and Aug. 26 -- with several other guest writers to follow in two-week periods.

Universal Press Syndicate is providing photos and bios on each guest columnist. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which started and maintains ownership of "Woman to Woman," has not announced when a permanent replacement for Diane Glass will be named.

Glass -- the liberal half of the point-counterpoint "Woman to Woman" with conservative Shaunti Feldhahn -- died of cancer on July 30 at age 42.

Sarvady is a California native who earned an English degree from San Francisco State University and a master's in counseling from the University of San Francisco. She has done writing along with a variety of nonprofit and educational jobs -- including teaching developmentally disabled adults, running a school-volunteer program in San Francisco, and running a peer-counseling program in Brooklyn, N.Y. She now lives in Atlanta.

Her articles have appeared in a variety of regional and national magazines. Sarvady has also authored four books.


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