By: Jonh Consoli THE MEMBERSHIP OF the Associated Press reelected five board members and elected two other newspaper executives to their first stints on AP's governing board.
Votes were cast by mail, and the winners were announced at the news cooperative's annual meeting in Chicago. Votes are allocated based on bonds held by AP's newspaper members.
Newly elected to the board are John W. Madigan, chairman, president and CEO of the Chicago-based Tribune Co., and Lissa Walls Vahldiek, vice president and chief operating officer of Southern Newspapers Inc.
Since directors are elected as representatives of a single newspaper, Madigan represents the Chicago Tribune and Vahldiek represents the Baytown (Texas) Sun.
Madigan succeeds Robert H. Hartmann, chairman and publisher of the Evansville (Ind.) Press, who did not seek reelection. Vahldiek will serve the last year of the term of Frank Daniels Jr., who is retiring.
Daniels also was chairman of the AP board, a position to be filled by Donald Newhouse, the Newhouse Newspapers chief who represents the Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J.
Besides Newhouse, the others reelected were: John J. Curley, chairman, president and CEO of Gannett Co., representing the Wilmington (Del.) News Journal; Mary Schurz, editor and publisher of the Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Ky.; George Wilson, president of the Concord (N.H.) Monitor; and, representing a city of less than 50,000 population, Gregg Jones, co-publisher of the Greeneville (Tenn.) Sun.
The winners and their vote tallies included: Wilson, 14,576 bond votes; Curley, 14,181; Newhouse, 13,288; Schurz, 12,843; Madigan, 12,116; Vahldiek, 6,747.
Votes garnered by others included: Joe Hladky, president and publisher of the Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Gazette, 5,712; W. Stacey Cowles, publisher the Spokane (Wash.) Spokesman-Review, 5,168; Peter Horvitz, president and CEO, Horvitz Newspapers, and publisher of the Bellevue (Wash.) Journal American, 4,225; and Marcia McQuern, CEO, president and publisher of the Press-Enterpise, Riverside, Calif., 4,063.
In a separate election for representation of a small city, Jones received 14,025 votes to defeat Uzal Martz Jr., president and publisher of the Pottsville (Pa.) Republican, who received 4,255 votes.
?(John W. Madigan) [Photo]
?(Lissa Walls Vahldiek) [Photo]
?(Donald E. Newhouse)[ Photo]
?(Mary Schurz) [Photo]
?(George W. Wilson) [Photo]
?(John J. Curley) [Photo]
?(Greegg Kl Jones) [Photo]
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?copyright: Editor & Publisher, May 3, 1997.
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