'For Better' Cartoonist Reaffirms Hybrid-Comic Plans

By: E&P Staff Universal Press Syndicate has issued a statement from Lynn Johnston reaffirming that she'll be turning "For Better or For Worse" into a "hybrid" this fall, not retiring the strip.

As E&P reported this past January, Johnston plans to mix old and new material in her comic. But Universal said some newspaper editors were still uncertain about the Canadian cartoonist's plans.

Johnston's statement, which was sent to newspaper editors, read: "Never did I suspect it would come to this. I have the honour of sharing a distinct complaint with Mark Twain, that rumours of my demise are being greatly exaggerated!

"I announced in several interviews earlier this year that I would not be retiring and that 'For Better or For Worse' would continue in a 'hybrid' form. But rumours to the contrary continue to fly, and I'd like to take a moment to put them to rest.

"My vision for the hybrid cartoon is to move forward beginning this fall by mixing together new plots with remembrances of the Patterson family's history. For instance, readers will see Michael and his children as they are today, and also Michael and his parents as they were when the strip began.

"So the strip will not end. I intend to keep the Patterson family around for many years to come."

Johnston does "For Better or For Worse" for more than 2,000 newspapers.


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