Forum Consolidating Minnesota Printing Plants

By: E&P Staff Forum Communications Printing - Wadena, known locally as WATCO, will close early next month when it consolidates operations with another Minnesota plant, in Detroit Lakes.

Equipment in Wadena will be relocated to Forum Communications Printing - Detroit Lakes, Plant Manager Ron Horn told the Wadena Pioneer Journal's Steve Schulz. Most of the Wadena plant's 32 employees will be offered jobs in Detroit Lakes.

Unaffected by the consolidation, the newspaper is owned by the plants' parent, Forum Communications Co., Fargo, N.D., which publishes more than 30 newspapers in four states. It also operates Web sites, broadcast outlets and commercial printing shops.

WATCO was an acronym for the counties (Wadena, Aitkin, Todd, Cass and Otter Tail) served by the newspapers that were its owners before the operation was sold to Forum Communications.

In addition to printing newspapers for several towns in the area, the Wadena plant has had regular commercial print customers. All are expected to continue printing at the Detroit Lakes plant, which has newer equipment, according to Horn.


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