By: Robert J. Salgado The Newseum in Washington, D.C., provides a visually rich venue
for the National Press Photographers Pictures of the Year Awards
?(The 55th Pictures of the Year award ceremonies brought together luminaries of press photography. Nancy Andrews (counterclockwise from top left) of the Washington Post accepts Newspaper Photographer of the Year. Watching is John Morris, a legendary Life magazine photo editor, and Vi Edom, who with her late husband, Cliff, founded the contest. An observer reviews entries. Photo editor Larry Coyne sits with newly won Excellence in Editing Award. The electronic ticker on Newseum's centerpiece globe carried headlines on the winning entries.) [Caption & Photo]
?(Sampling of Newspaper Photographer of the Year Nancy Andrews' photos (clockwise from top left): "Every Day is Father's Day" shows the "Dad" ring Tiffany's father wears to symbolize his
commitment to his children; in"Historic Entrance," Megan Smith is "welcomed" by upperclassmen
to all-male Virginia Military Institute; a portrait
of author Norman Mailer; and the photographer
herself.) [Caption & Photo]
?Images of the Kennedy family from freelance photographer Jacques Lowe,
winner of the Kodak Crystal Eagle Award for Impact in Journalism (clockwise from bottom left): Bobby Kennedy cradles son David; "The Choice" shows
presidential nominee John F. Kennedy offering vice presidential candidacy
to Lyndon Johnson as Bobby Kennedy looks on; a contemplative JFK on a
boat in Coos Bay Harbor; and the photographer. ) [Caption & Photo]
?(Eugene Richards won Magazine Photographer of the Year and Canon Photo Essayist for images including the following (clockwise from above): a newborn girl gets ritual scars on her face, arms and legs to get rid of bad blood; a tiny girl with an AIDS-like disease is held by her 15-year-old mother; an 80-year-old woman carries her great-grandchild; Richards; and children using bound rags for a soccer ball.) [Photo & Caption]
?(Scott Lewis (left) is the winner of the Community Awareness Award. Photos from his collection "Kids,
Cul-de-sacs and the New American Dream" which includes (clockwise from bottom left): the monthly baptism service for
parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Church, which is under construction, held at Saint Anne's Church in Oswego, N.Y.; commuters Rich and Pam Heller get some sleep on the train home after a full day of work and school; and three women relaxing after enjoying a block party in their local subdivision.) [Photo & Caption]
?(Editor & Publisher Web Site: [Caption]
?(copyright: Editor & Publisher June 20, 1998) [Caption]
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