By: E&P Staff Advertising linage at The Wall Street Journal declined 5.2% in January, weakened by big declines in the technology and financial advertising categories, Dow Jones & Co. reported today.
Technology advertising decreased 18.4% in January compared to the year-ago period, which Dow Jones attributed to softness in business-to-business e-commerce and software advertising. That decline was partially offset by increased advertising for hardware, communications, and personal computers, the publishing company said.
Financial advertising linage dropped 15.2% because of decreases in retail, wholesale, and tombstones ads, Dow Jones said. In the general advertising category, January linage was up 4.5%, strengthened by increases in consumer advertising categories including auto, luxury goods, and healthcare as well as increases in business-to-business advertising categories including industrial equipment, government, office products, and media.
Classified and "other" advertising linage increased 1.8% at the Journal.
The ad picture was mixed in the Journal's international editions. The Wall Street Journal Europe's linage decreased 0.5% in January, due to a decline in technology advertising partially offset by a gain in financial advertising, while The Asian Wall Street Journal's linage increased 18.3%, which Dow Jones said was due to two additional publishing days along with an increase in financial advertising.
At Ottaway Newspapers, advertising linage declined 2.1% in January due to declines in non-daily and display advertising, partially offset by gains in classified advertising.
At the financial weekly Barron's, total national advertising pages increased 26.9% in January on one extra issue and increased financial advertising, Dow Jones said.
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