Managed, Hosted Service from RouteSmart Technologies

By: E&P Staff RouteSmart Technologies, Columbia, Md., now offers RouteSmart Online managed service, designed to handle daily routing of home-delivery operations via Web-based, cloud computing managed by RouteSmart Technologies.

The hosted, managed service provides home delivery distribution with tools to manage the process of dispatching carriers, taking uploads from an existing circulation system (full file uploads or transactions from the previous day) and automatically processing and updating route sheets with subscribers in delivery order. Turn-by-turn driving directions ensure service by a substitute carrier. RouteSmart Online fully supports eBook Technologies' eBook reader.

If a home delivery manager wants to combine an absent carrier's route with an adjacent route or split it into smaller routes for shared delivery, RouteSmart Online processes the request and updates the route list. It also can manage routes affected by a late truck arriving with third-party products. The Dispatch function enables selection of the publication code that is late and combination of the product(s) onto temporary routes for later delivery.

"Since it's a hosted, managed service, there are no large up-front fees for licensing, and the impact to stretched and already thin I.T. resources is minimal," RouteSmart Technologies Vice President Chris Walz said in a statement. "We can literally have a client up and running in a day once the file upload process is in place," he added.


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