Nela USA, River Falls, Wis., has supplied a Nela Vision punch-bender to Rochester Institute of Technology's Printing Applications Laboratory to replace an older Nela Ternes three-point bender donated to in 2001.
The new Vision PunchBender enables the Rochester, N.Y., univeristy's students to train on the latest technology in punch-bending and prepress.
"We are a strong advocate of excellent education with modern, high-tech equipment, and are very proud to be able to make this kind of contribution to such a world-renowned institution," Nela USA President David Klein said in a statement.
Nela's Vision Register punch-bender uses imaged register marks on plates' bend edges to precisely register each plate to the image and not the plate edges.
"Once the bender was installed, we immediately noticed fewer cylinder moves on press, versus our three-point bender," said Fred White, press operations manager at RIT's printing applications lab.
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