By: Brian Orloff Dallas newspaper readers will be exposed to different points of view when The Dallas Morning News debuts its new opinion section, Points, this Sunday. The new, all-commentary section will replace the Sunday Reader.
Why the change? Keven Ann Willey, the editorial-page editor who will oversee Points, said the Sunday Reader was just too confusing for readers. The section, split between news coverage and opinion, needed to be streamlined, she said. "It's kind of a hybrid, and that makes it hard to have cohesiveness," Willey explained.
"The decision was: How do we recreate that section to make it holistic, to make it have a common theme, because you had some news stories and you'd turn the page and get the editorial page," she said. "There was no real continuity. So, we've tried to make this all commentary -- the whole section will be different types of commentary from analysis to flat-out opinion."
Willey wrote a column to introduce Points to readers. The piece, called "Getting right to the point," explained the crisp style and the "sharp-edged topics" readers can expect. "In general, we hope that the tone will be livelier, more timely, perhaps a bit more edgy, very unpredictable and unconventional," Willey told E&P.
In her column, Willey explained: "Think sharp. That's the underline to Points. ... We'll try to get ahead of the debate curve. We'll try to anticipate developments in the latest controversies so that readers are well informed."
Willey says that topical pieces are crucial. "It's very news driven and it will be a wide range of political and social commentary, including pop culture," she said. Along with newsier content, readers can expect a range of writing -- from in-depth reporting to more visual, graphically based pieces.
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