By: E&P Staff Newsprint Namibia, the country's biggest newspaper and web-printing group, has begun installing a new 16-unit Goss Community SSC press to increase capacity and flexibility at its plant in Windhoek, the capital.
Configured as four four-high towers (22.75-inch cut-off) and two SSC folders, the shaftless Community SSC press will be able to produce a broad range of formats and increase capacity to 32-page tabloids in full color.
Newsprint Namibia's own titles include the Afrikaans daily Republikein, Africa's only daily German newspaper, Allgemeine Zeitung, and weekly tabloid Namibian Sun.
"We have an urgent need for additional capacity because of our success in securing additional external printing contracts -- including some major newspaper titles," Chief Operations Officer Wolfram Jauss said in a statement. "The extra capacity and the wide range of formats the press can deliver could provide new revenue streams in the form of further contract printing opportunities."
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