Obama Editorial Cartoons? There's an App for That

By: E&P Staff Editorial cartoonist Daryl Cagle and msnbc.com launched a free iPhone and iPod application Thursday that features editorial cartoons about President Obama from all political perspectives.

"Obama Cartoons" includes social media features including the ability to share cartoons from a user's Twitter or Facebook pages without having to leave the app. Cartoons can be e-mailed, saved to the mobile device's camera roll library, synced iTunes or put on a desktop. Shake the iPhone and it displays a random cartoon.

The app is available for down for the iPhone or iPod touch from the iTunes App Store through this link.

Cagle is the editorial cartoonist for msnbc.com. Nearly 900 newspapers subscribe to his syndicated cartoons. Cagle Cartoons Inc. distributes the work of about 50 editorial cartoonists and columnists to more than 800 newspapers.


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