By: E&P Staff Just hours after the Pulitzer Prize juries completed their annual choice of finalists for journalism's biggest awards on Wednesday in New York, the annual leaking of purported finalist lists (naturally) began.
Despite stepped-up efforts by the Pulitzer committee this year to put a stop to this, everyone knows journalists are the biggest leakers of all. As we have done in years past, E&P has obtained what we believe is a credible list of most of the journalism-category nominees.
Although these can't be absolutely confirmed, our information in the past has proven to be remarkably accurate. We have checked some of these selections with editors at some of the respective papers, who confirmed that they had also heard, through the grapevine, that they had reached the finals.
In another case, an editor confirmed that his paper's well-regarded investigative pieces did not.
Another word of warning: Even if our list is completely accurate, further changes could be made. Under Pulitzer rules, the juries put forth three nominees in each of the 14 journalism categories. The Pulitzer Board then considers the nominees and chooses winners in each grouping. The board has the power to move any finalist from one category to another, or even move an entry up that was not nominated by the juries to finalist or even winner status.
If this list pans out, it certainly is good news for the Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J., which apparently has landed at least three finalists. Some smaller papers did well, led by Willamette Week in Oregon, along with Florida dailies in Pensacola and Charlotte.
One surprising omission: The San Francisco Chronicle's Balco/steroids probe.
The winners will be announced in April.
Missing below, for now, are the photography categories.
The finalists in most of the journalism categories, at least according to this list, are:
Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger: Gov. Jim McGreevey's resignation
Charlotte (Fla.) Sun: Hurricane coverage
South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Hurricane coverage
Chronicle of Higher Education: Carlin Romano
The New York Times: Frank Rich
Wall Street Journal: Joseph Morgenstern
Des Moines (Iowa) Register: Beating the rap, law enforcement scandal
Willamette (Ore.) Week: Neil Goldschmidt sex revelations
The New York Times: Insurance and investment scams targeting soldiers (Diana B. Henriques)
Wall Street Journal: Amy Marcus, cancer survivors
Los Angeles Times: Ron Brownstein, politics/campaign 2004
Washington Post: Dana Priest, defense/CIA
Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal: Hurricane coverage
Los Angeles Times: Inner city hospital probe
Orange County (Ca.) Register: Lead in candy
Chicago Tribune: Post-tornado analysis
Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger: Last Chance High, alternative education center
Washington Post: Young and Gay in Real America (Anne Hull)
Washington Post: Abu Ghraib prison scandal
The New York Times: Deadly railroad crossings
The Oregonian (Portland): Meth drug series
Newark Star Ledger: Borzou Daragahi, Iraq
Los Angeles Times: Kim Murphy, Russia
Newsday: Dele Olojede, Rwanda
Newsday (Melville, N.Y.): History of Hip Hop
Boston Globe
The New York Times
San Jose Mercury News
Sacramento Bee
Washington Post
Lexington Herald-Leader
Palm Beach Post
Garry Trudeau. "Doonesbury"
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