SCS Takes West Indian Weekly Live on Scoop in 7 Days

By: E&P Staff

Searchlight, a St. Vincent and the Grenadines weekly, installed the SCOOP publishing system in mid April and used it in production after seven days of set-up and training while installer Chris Stival was still on site, according to Software Consulting Services, which cited the staff's cooperation and weekend training sessions.

SCS (, based in Nazareth, Pa., supplied the system developed in Sweden by Wilkenson Scoop AB (

The system's 10 users (five reporters and five editors/paginators) have a mixture of PC and Mac workstations. The variety of operating systems (Windows XP and Vista on the PC's; OS X 10.3.9, 10.4x and 10.5.8 on the Macs) created some challenges that were overcome. The Dell server runs Windows 2003 Server and has multiple drives, including two one-terabyte mirrored drives.

The West Indian weekly's new software includes Scoop Edit on all workstations and Content Manager and PageTrack on the server.


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