So Long...But Not Goodbye

By: Joe Strupp Yes, Editor & Publisher has shutdown?for now. But it took more than 120 years to build it up and it will take a little more time before we go away quietly.

As talks continue behind the scenes to keep us going, in some form, a few of us remain with eyes on the media and newspaper world. Myself among them.

E&P remains the best place I have worked. I never got the respect at the four newspapers where I wrote and reported for in the past that I have gotten as a member of E&P.

I cannot count the number of times sources and readers praised E&P for its history and reputation as much as for the work we have done in recent years. Even when they caught a mistake or offered criticism, it was always in a way that often included the view that ?a publication like E&P? requires top quality, or in referring to us as ?the bible of the newspaper industry.?

Not to mention access to places and big names. Top editors, who likely never looked at my resume in the past, called back or e-mailed responses when contacted for an E&P story. I still have cell phone numbers for a number of big-name newspaper executives and editing chiefs.

Cleaning out my desk after 11 years today was both difficult and enjoyable in that I could look back on some of my favorite stories, trips and experiences.

I am packing up mementos ranging from press passes to presidential visits to a signed Jimmy Breslin book to an e-mail from Bob Woodward, one of many industry giants who kindly commented for stories regularly. This e-mail: ?Joe, I appreciate your article was fair and accurate. Bob.? High praise from someone like that.

Anyway, I remain hopeful and with an eye on the industry as we await our fate. You will see me again, either at E&P or elsewhere in the news world. For now, find my views, news and rants at a new site,

Or in our new E&P In Exile blog,

And if you want to reach me, try

See you soon.


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