By: E&P Staff A Snickers ad featuring Betty White and Abe Vigoda in a pickup football game was rated the best of Sunday's Super Bowl by participants in the 21st USA Today Ad Meter.
This year's Ad Meter was held in McLean, Va. and San Diego, Calif., where a combined 246 volunteers charted their second-by-second reactions to national Super Bowl commercials using hand-held meters to register how much they liked or disliked an ad.
A computer averaged the scores continuously.
The Snickers candy ad was given a score of 8.68 on a scale of 0 to 10.
The top five ads and final ratings were the following:
1. Mars Snickers - Betty White and Abe Vigoda in casual football game - 8.68
2. Frito-Lay Doritos - Dog with bark collar rules - 8.27
3. Anheuser-Busch Bud Light - Man builds a house out of beer cans - 7.91
4. Anheuser-Bush - Clydesdale's friend - 7.82
5. Coca-Cola - Sleepwalker going through rough terrain gets cold Coke - 7.36
USA Today created the Super Bowl Ad Meter in 1989 to gauge consumers' opinions about TV's most expensive commercials.
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