By: E&P Staff Even during a holiday week readers wrote in about The Olympian calling for a pullout in Iraq and Greg Mitchell's latest column on the war,
David Halberstam's death and their thoughts about Steve Outing's
Thanks for Truth About War and Michael GordonMr. Mitchell, I just wanted to say Thank You for really supporting our troops. Please keep speaking the truth for the majority of Americans who are for America, and who know what is right, and what is not.
Charles HoytThank you for having the guts to tell it like it is. Each day when I read the papers and see another young man or woman dying it sickens me. Especially when we know our fearless leaders lied us into this war. The US has no business trying to be occupiers in a foreign country that we do not know the history, understand the religion and its factions and do not speak the language. Thank you for your courage.
Karol HeinGig Harbor,Wa.
May God preserve what little we have left of this kind of integrity in journalism. Thank you.
Barbara in DecaturHow dare you speak TRUTH to Power!!!! Keep up the good work. We need more journalists like you telling the truth about Iraq to the sleeping Americans and Brits.
George FryFine piece on Gordon's duplicity.
From a former journalist,
Stuart MurrayBerlin, New York
David HalberstamThank you for the piece on David Halberstam's studio. His senseless death had me physically ill for a week, and still so sad to think of it. But it was a balm to have you birds-eye-view into his private abode. What a thoroughly wonderful, rare man he was. Good to know his ghost will have respectful company.
Suzanne McSteve Outing ColumnSteve says, "Forgive me if this appears self-serving", it is!
Stephen LarsonClifton Springs, N.Y.
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