'Union-Tribune' Site Most Visited in San Diego

By: E&P Staff More San Diegans visit The San Diego Union-Tribune's SignOnSanDiego.com than visit Yahoo!, MSN, or America Online, according to a new study.

A fall survey by The Media Audit found that 32.1% of San Diego County adults polled said they had visited SignOnSanDiego.com in the previous month, compared to 29.8% for Yahoo!, 20.1% for MSN, and 15.2 % for America Online.

SignOnSanDiego.com offers breaking news, classified advertising, and in-depth entertainment coverage from the Union-Tribune and additional sources.

"SignOnSanDiego.com prides itself on providing timely, accurate and complete news and information for San Diegans," said Chris Jennewein, director of Internet operations for the Union-Tribune. "The most recent survey results show that Union-Tribune content combined with 'round-the-clock coverage make for a winning combination."

The Media Audit is a service of International Demographics Inc., a Houston-based company. The survey was conducted between September 28 and November 12 by calling 1,042 randomly selected adults . The margin of error is under 3 percentage points.

Surveys are conducted twice yearly in the top U.S. media markets. The previous survey, performed from April through June 2004, found 29.1 percent of respondents said they visited SignOnSanDiego.com during the previous month, compared to Yahoo! at 29.6 percent.


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