UPDATE: 'Courier-Journal' Pressroom at 100%, Electrical Problem's Cause Still Sought

By: Jim Rosenberg The cause of the electrical problem that prevented The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky., from printing most of its Sunday edition, including special coverage of Saturday's Kentucky Derby, is still being sought, but the pressroom has all printing units operating again. "We're back up and running. We're 100% as of this afternoon," Pressroom manager Tom Letto told E&P today. "We're not sure of the root cause as of yet" Letto said late this afternoon, calling it an "extensive" problmem that affected several unspecified electrical components. The problem occurred after about 43,000 copies were off press on one of the paper's biggest circulation days. Most subscribers received only preprinted Sunday sections, getting the Sunday's news and sports in their Monday paper. The paper made its electronic replica of the Sunday edition free. In the meantime, another Gannett daily, The Indianapolis Star, handled some sections on Sunday, and though reported missing in the morning at some locations, complete copies of the Sunday Courier-Journal were to be available in stores and newsracks yesterday afternoon.  


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