UPDATE: 'LA Times' OC Plant Closing Within Week

By: E&P Staff

An Orange County Register executive has squelched speculation that his paper may be printed in the Los Angeles Times' Orange County plant.

"It would be physically impossible," Register Operations Vice President Rick Sant said, for the Times' Orange County plant to print the Register and the approximately 75 other titles, including La Opinion, that are now printed in the same Register plant.

Declining comment on speculation, Times Communications Vice President Nancy Sullivan said the Orange county plant is on track to close at the end of May, as originally planned. She said a March closing was never announced.

Last week, Ed Padgett, who runs the Los Angeles Times Pressmens 20 Year Club blog, wrote that he'd heard the plant might keep one of its presses in operation twice daily. He suggested  it might be used to print the Register.


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