Video: 'Newsday' Launches TV Commercial Blitz

By: Mark Fitzgerald

Newsday is airing a series of new TV commercials that highlight its Long Island, N.Y., home market and its columnists and investigative reporters.

"Starting today, all of us (and all of Long Island) will be seeing new TV commercials promoting Newsday across Cablevision's channels," Newsday Publisher wrote in a memo to the staff, first reported by New York Observer’s Zeke Turner. "I'm excited about this because these commercials are focused on the essence of what we deliver to our readers: our commitment to outstanding coverage of local news."

In this commercial, columnist Joye Brown talks about her work, and how she tries to capture the borough so “someone taking a look at my work can smell it, read it, feel it.”

See another commercial from the Newsday ad campaign at E&P’s all-business blog.


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