By: E&P Staff Why is Pulitzer-winning syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. encouraging Sarah Palin to run for president?
"I very badly want you to run for ? and 'win' ? the Republican nomination for the presidency," Pitts wrote in his column Sunday.
"I know you're waiting for the punch line," he continues. "I want you to run because I believe a Palin candidacy would force upon this country a desperately needed moment of truth. It would require us to finally decide what kind of America we want to be."
Pitts goes on to lambaste Palin as an avatar for the "process of stupidification creeping like kudzu over our national life. ... something is wrong when we celebrate mental mediocrity like yours under the misapprehension that competence or, God forbid, 'intelligence,' makes a person one of those 'elites' -- that's a curse word now -- lacking authenticity, compassion and common sense."
Check out the full column,
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