Having spent the past year tracking newsroom developments worldwide for its annual Trends in Newsrooms report, the World Editors Forum has come up with four key areas of concern for all editors: new digital platforms and the explosion in mobile news delivery; link journalism and the importance of aggregation, search and social media; content monetization, cost cutting, and the search for business models to fund quality journalism; personalized/hyperlocal/niche news and database journalism.
The report's sixth edition summarizes and analyzes recent developments and provides innovative ideas for newspapers in the digital age.
This year's report also looks at how newsrooms respond to decreasing circulation and public trust, putting a price on news, managing the integrated newsroom, entrepreneurial journalism and "the coolest start-ups in news," and top apps for news (written with the collaboration of Relaxnews, the first worldwide news agency dedicated to leisure news).
Topic-specific boxes look deeper into issues and offer expert advice. Chapter conclusions include debates between top industry figures and case studies of exemplary papers. For example, a Q&A with Google News founder Krishna Bharat about new GoogleNews products and the service's relationship with publishers; and a How-To for making the best use of opportunities offered by tablet computers and other mobile devices; a case-study of vertical newsroom integration at France's Le Figaro.
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