World Young Reader Prize Extends to Mobile

By: E&P Staff

The annual World Young Reader Prizes add three new categories this year, including one for "connecting with mobile" that recognizes success in engaging the young via mobile devices. Deadline for entries is July 2.

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) awards recognize newspaper companies with the best projects and activities within the past 24 months for promoting newspaper reading, on all platforms, among those under 25.

Another special category is for a newspaper that has used research results to better connect with younger readers, and aq third will honor readership programs that have benefited the newspaper and the young for at least five years.

The continuing prize categories are Editorial, Making the News, Newspapers in Education, Public Service and Brand.

Top prize in each category is 1000 Euros ($1,211) and free registration at the WAN-IFRA Readership Conference, Nov. 16-17 in San Francisco. Judges also will choose a "Newspaper of the Year" that will receive free registration, hotel and travel costs for the conference.

The World Young Reader Prizes are supported by Norway-based global paper producer Norske Skog in its partnership with WAN-IFRA's Newspapers in Education Development Project.

Registration details and list of past winners:


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