By: E&P Staff Editorial cartoons are starting to appear about Barry Bonds' breaking of baseball's home-run record -- and about the suspicion that the San Francisco Giants player might have used steroids to enhance his slugging prowess.
A cartoon by Scott Stantis of The Birmingham (Ala.) News and Copley News Service shows the back of the new home-run king's uniform. But the word "Bonds" is spelled with an asterisk substituting for the "o."
Another Alabama cartoonist, J.D. Crowe of the Mobile Press-Register and Artizans Syndicate, pictures a "baseball bat" (in the guise of the nocturnal flying mammal) hanging upside down from an official Major League baseball. The bat is labeled "Steroids."
Ed Hall of The Baker County Press of Macclenny, Fla., and Artizans did a cartoon that shows a disintegrating baseball labeled "756" -- the number that broke Hank Aaron's record last night. The ball is labeled "Empty Record."
Victor Harville of the Stephens Media Group pictures a kid saying to another kid: "I'll trade you my Barry Bonds for your Hank Aaron." The deal for the card -- which features an asterisk over Bonds' name -- is refused.
Another Bonds-related cartoon seemed to be aimed at baseball commissioner Bud Selig. Larry Wright of The Detroit News and Cagle Cartoons drew a painting of Selig with an asterisk in baseball's Hall of Fame. When a kid asks what the asterisk is for, dad reads an answer from a brochure: "It says here there were suspicions and rumors about what he [Selig] was so busy doing that he couldn't watch one of baseball's most important records being set."
Given that Aaron's record was broken after many cartoonists had already done their Tuesday-for-Wednesday drawings, more Bonds-related cartoons will undoubtedly be posted around the Web tomorrow.
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