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We sometimes send the edited letter back for them to resubmit. This offer typically creates a more engaged and thoughtful future reader.

We also let letter writers know if something is potentially libelous, and have had the whole letter retracted once they find out that part won't see print. That solves a lot of problems, too.

We also happy if they don't want their grammar/spelling errors corrected. That runs with an editor's note stating the writer's want, which I think we only did once.

We have a policy against personal attacks, so we most certainly do share that with writers that submit letters containing them.

If we think the letter will be problematic, we have the discussion about grammar and spelling.

We believe this dialogue helps create the trust newspapers need with their communities because it is about transparency in how we handle what we print.

Our community has a very contentious referendum issue recently. Both sides asked the newspaper to take a side, either asking in person or thru email, often accompanied with a Letter to the Editor. While neither side liked our stance (which was that we didn't take a side), they at least both understood it, even if they did tell us we were wrong to publish the other side's opinion on the issue (and they most certainly did).

We kept both sides engaged, and submitting letters (and yes, we had to remove attacks and libel to do it), sometimes heavily edited, but always working with the writer to have their opinion published.

From: Trusting Your Local Newspaper Keeps Information Alive at the Source

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