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As a retired journalist, it has been sad to witness the ethics and noble practice of journalism wind up in a foul smelling porta-potty at the hands of Leftist media. Darcy and Cohen masquerade as " journalists," making unfounded statements (and amplified here at E&P) such as "the false notion that the 2020 election was stolen," is telling. I won't say it was or wasn't because there was never an investigation, but the election anomalies exposed by the testimonies of IT and statistics experts and bi-partisan poll workers with signed affidavits in limited broadcast swing-state Senate hearings were enough to warrant serious investigations. Anybody who knows about process system design understands the concept of weak links crashing the integrity of the system. Obviously Darcy and Cohen and every journalist who has repeated this unfounded statement, knows nothing about keeping integrity within an election system process. This was the juiciest story to pursue in my lifetime but the biased profession spent its time and energy steamrolling their agenda and ignoring serious leads in those swing states. It's no wonder journalism's credibility is shot. Like an alcoholic who refuses to admit such, so-called "journalists" will never regain public trust until they also see they are the real threat to democracy under current biased motivations.

From: Notorious far-right blog The Gateway Pundit declares bankruptcy over 2020 election-related lawsuits

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