American City Business Journals Names New President/CEO

By: E&P Staff Whitney Shaw will succeed his late father as president and CEO of American City Business Journals (ACBJ), while his brother Kirk has been appointed the company's vice president and CFO.

The announcements was made on Monday by S.I. Newhouse Jr., chairman of Advance Publications, ACBJ's parent company. Both appointments take effect immediately.

"It?s fitting that Ray?s sons take over at American City," Newhouse said in a statement. "They worked by his side for 20 years, and this is what he would have wanted and recommended."

Whitney and Kirk's father, Ray Shaw, bought ACBJ in 1989, and served as its chairman until his death July 19 of complications from a bee sting.

Whitney Shaw had previously served as the company's senior vice president and president of ACBJ's sports publishing division, which consists of magazines like the Sporting News, Street & Smith's Sports Business Journal, and Sports Business Daily. Kirk Shaw had previously been the company's CFO.


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