America’s most trusted news anchors are …

Anderson Cooper humbles Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow, while Lester Holt is the standout in a new THR/Morning Consult poll


“The gatekeepers are gone,” Colin Jost told a roomful of journalists at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on April 27, before pivoting to the punchline: “Did you know that 90 percent of people now get their news exclusively from social media? And that must be true because I saw it in a random guy’s TikTok.”

For those (ever fewer) media gatekeepers who have major reach, trust is currency. And there’s still a halo effect for those TV stars with broadest viewership — i.e., network TV hosts — particularly evening and morning show anchors for NBC and ABC, a new THR/Morning Consult poll shows. The survey, conducted May 4-5 among a sample of 2,239 U.S. adults, asked opinions about 40-plus major TV news stars, as well as surveyed trends about America’s fractured media diet during a presidential campaign year.

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