Atex Polopoly Now Supports Easy Web Site Component Add-ons

By: E&P Staff Atex has released the newest version of its Polopoly Web content management system, supporting a widget plug-in framework for easily adding third-party components to a Web site with little or no software development.

Version 9.14 represents the latest phase of the "Polopoly as a Platform" initiative, allowing media companies to select applications to add to Web sites, giving more control and flexibility in building and deploying sites. Software developers anywhere can create and exchange elements using the widget plug-in model, helping reduce overall cost of Web site development.

Atex said that by sharing features in a structured manner, it "plans to create a 'storefront' to sell and swap digital components.

Exchanges among customers, Atex developers and third-party service providers will create "an entire Polopoly ecosystem where enhancements and elements will be available to any Polopoly 9.14 customer," Anders Weijnitz, Atex global product manager Polopoly, said in a statement.

Atex has a plug-in available to allow connectivity between Polopoly and its A-Series Digital Asset Management system, enabling editors to immediately publish archive material online. Polopoly 9.14 sites also can take advantage of products offered by other vendors to provide fully packaged and validated integrations. Services like video streaming, social-media apps, content gating, pay-per-view models, and other Internet functionalities can be quickly added via the widget plug-ins.


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