Boston Globe Media Partners Launches Program To Support Local Non-Profits

By: Press Release | Telegram & Gazette

Boston Globe Media Partners and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette today announced a new community program called TOUCH (Telegram OUtreach for CHarities) designed to give subscribers opportunities to meaningfully support their preferred non-profit organization at no cost.  

John Henry, principal of Boston Globe Media Partners, which includes the Telegram & Gazette, announced the program at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast last week.  

The Telegram & Gazette has a tremendous history of supporting the community through a variety of initiatives and partnerships. The TOUCH program allows subscribers to direct which non-profits the Telegram can further enable this year through what the Telegram does best: reach engaged community members. Here's how it works: home delivery and digital subscribers will be invited via a voucher sent in a silver envelope in the mail to direct promotional TOUCH dollars toward the non-profit of their choice. Non-profits accumulate TOUCH dollars, which are used toward the redemption of print advertising space in the Telegram.  

Henry said, "While the TOUCH program is the first of its kind in the region, we are emulating a similar successful program pioneered by the Orange County Register and its publisher Aaron Kushner."  

TOUCH allocated ad space allows a non-profit organization to promote its mission, raise awareness, recruit volunteers and promote fundraising in the pages of the Telegram & Gazette.  

The program provides a unique way for Telegram subscribers to support non-profit organizations that are important to them, while giving the Telegram another way to support the communities it serves.  

"Our goals with the TOUCH program are to partner with and enable our subscribers to have a unique way to support the charities they are passionate about and to provide non-profits a platform to reach and engage a larger audience," said Henry.  

Non-profits can leverage the Telegram's large, informed, and engaged audience to publicize their mission and message. The more vouchers collected by a non-profit, the greater the size or frequency of the ads that can be 'purchased.'"  

"This program and the Telegram's other charitable activities reinforce our continuing effort to support our community and the issues that are important to our subscribers," said Henry.  

Seven-day Telegram subscribers will receive a $50 voucher, and digital and Sunday-only subscribers will receive a $25 voucher. Donations must be received by March 1. Readers who subscribe during the donation period, from now until March 1, will be eligible to designate a donation voucher.  

The ads will run from April 2014 to March 2015. Non-profits can earn up to 5 full-page ads.  

Non-profits must be 501(c)(3)s in order to be eligible. Throughout the campaign, readers and eligible non-profits can monitor the total amount of promotional funds pledged by Telegram readers, and find a chart that illustrates how many TOUCH dollars  individual non-profits have received thus far, at News will also be shared on Twitter using the #TelegramTOUCH hashtag. The five non-profits that receive the most TOUCH dollars will be named TOUCH award-winners and recognized with an advertorial feature in the Telegram.  

About Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC
Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC., provides news and information, entertainment, opinion, and analysis through its multimedia properties. BGMP includes The Boston Globe, the Worcester Telegram & Gazette,,,, and Globe Direct. 


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