By: E&P Staff Starting in tomorrow's "Funky Winkerbean" comic, Lisa Moore will begin dealing with a worsening case of breast cancer, according to an Associated Press story.
The character was first diagnosed in 1999. "Funky Winkerbean" cartoonist Tom Batiuk was subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer about five years later, which is one reason why he's revisiting Lisa's struggle with a similar disease.
"I realized there is a huge gulf between empathy and personal experience," said Batiuk, whose comic appears in about 400 newspapers via King Features Syndicate. "It showed me that I had only skimmed over the surface of the subject. I realized there was still more to do."
Batiuk wrote and drew the story line before Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, announced that her breast cancer had returned and spread.
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