By: E&P Staff Ann Coulter is on the cover of Time magazine's current issue, which did not please several participants in today's online chat with The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz.
A Washington, D.C.-based participant called Coulter -- the best-selling author and Universal Press Syndicate columnist -- a "ring-wing gadfly and propagandist ... who has become famous not for a serious achievement or contribution to society but for invective and slander. Of all the world's pressing problems, Ann Coulter is the most important story that Time could find? Howard, do you and you colleagues understand that news judgment like this is what is eroding journalism's credibility?"
Kurtz said he hadn't read the Time story yet, and added: "Coulter may or may not be a smart cover subject, but the media as a whole are far more into soft news, celebrities, and sensationalism."
Another chat participant, from Clifton, Va., said: "Don't forget the sex appeal of Ms. Coulter. Good looking, blond, and in a short skirt sells magazines."
And a Miami Shores, Fla., resident told Kurtz: "The Time cover story on Ann Coulter was revolting. Though I concede some of her more outrageously offensive statements are tongue-in-cheek, the 'steak' behind that sizzle is just as hostile, mean-spirited, offensive, and just plain loopy. She should be vilified by the elite media, not celebrated, and this has everything to do with her linguistic style and irresponsible commentary, and nothing to do with her politics."
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