By: E&P Staff The Daily Press in Hampton Roads, Va., joined the ranks of papers accepting Page One advertising. On May 31, the Daily Press ran a 6-column by one-inch strip ad from JC Penney along the bottom of the page.
The paper is also accepting ads of similar configuration along the bottom of the local, sports, life, and business section fronts.
Daily Press Vice President and Editor Ernie Gates stressed editorial independence to his staff in a statement: "I know that none of you would adjust a story or headline or photo because of an ad, and no one anywhere in this company would expect you to. Independence is a cardinal news value -- and editorial content isn't for sale."
The paper will not run political ads and all ads will be subject to internal policies and standards. On days when the strip goes unsold or when breaking news requires more space, the newsroom will get the strip.
"This will add revenue, and that will help preserve content or even jobs," Gates wrote.
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