Former KR Exec Lem Lloyd Joins Yahoo

By: Jennifer Saba Former Knight Ridder executive Lem Lloyd has signed on with Yahoo as the company?s vice president of the newspaper consortium.

Most recently, Lloyd was vice president of sales and business development at Oodle, an aggregator of local online classified ads.

At Yahoo, Lloyd is working closely with the newspaper partners? sales teams, both digital and print, to provide advertisers with bundled packages.

?It's going to require not just the digital leaders of the companies to get on board but the print ad executives who are very engaged and really want to embrace this,? he said. ?What has impressed me is a real commitment at the leadership level at the newspaper companies to really take ownership of the partnership."

Lloyd, who helped build out Knight Ridder?s Real Cities, recalled then that many newspapers were willing and excitied to joine the online national advertising network but lacked ?the will to take ownership.?

Lloyd worked 13 years at Knight Ridder in various stints including as a reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer and as senior director of business development at Knight Ridder Digital.

The Yahoo/newspaper partnership now includes 12 newspapers companies and more than 264 newspapers.


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