Fort Worth City Council Mulling Restrictions On Newsracks

By: E&P Staff Fort Worth's City Council holds a public hearing Tuesday night on a proposal that would limit the placement of newspaper racks on the streets of the Texas city. The proposed ordinance would also impose the first permit fee for racks.

According to a report on WFAA-TV by Chris Hawes, Fort Worth city officials claim the racks have become a safety hazard, particularly for disabled people.

City Attorney Sarah Fullenwider said there are 717 newspaper racks in Fort Worth's downtown and surrounding streets, and that they've become a hazard. "You're looking at safety issues next to fire hydrants, handicap ramps, seating areas in front of windows and doors," Fullenwider told WFAA.

Under the ordinance drafted by Fullenwider, no more than four boxes would be permitted on any street corner. The racks would have to be out of the way of pedestrian. A permit with a fee would be required to place a newsrack on the street.


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