Free 'Kid Scoop Typhoon Special Edition' Helps Children Understand the Philippines Devastation

By: Press Release | Content That Works

The tragic typhoon devastation in the Philippines has sparked Kid Scoop to create a Kid Scoop Typhoon Special Edition dedicated to helping kids better understand and cope with this natural disaster. The devastating effects of Haiyan will be felt for years to come. Even children in the United States will be impacted and concerned about the power of Mother Nature.

Galvanizing families, churches, youth groups and schools to raise money and collect essential supplies for the people of the Philippines helps the people there as well as shows young people at home the power of giving back.
Launch the relief effort and help children understand the devastation by publishing this free 2-page edition of Kid Scoop focused on the science behind typhoons as well as the geography, history and culture of the fascinating Philippines. Each page includes information on how to help through contributions to the Red Cross. Localize the pages with contact information for relief programs in your community.

Download the free Kid Scoop Typhoon Special Edition exclusively from The Content Store.


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