By: E&P Staff
In today's letters, readers respond to the idea that declining circulation is the result of left-wing media bias, thoughts on the danger zone of newspapers' online comment boards, and a maybe Rover can fetch a six pack if "it" wants to be a "he."***
Circ and BiasI found it laughable to read
people attributing the circulation declines to "left-leaning newspapers."
One of the biggest decliners, as it has been for the last couple of years, is The Dallas Morning News, still one of the more conservative papers in the country. Ditto for The San Diego Union-Tribune and The Orange County Register. In fact, these last two papers, if not also possibly the News, could be fairly ranked among the 20 most conservative seven-day dailies, among the top 200 or so by size.
Steve SnyderNavasota, Texas
Editors continue not to get it. They throw overwhelimingly liberal content at the readers and don't give balance in their stories to the conservative viewpoint. It is no wonder that circs are in decline. It is the liberal papers who are most hurt. St Paul Pioneer Press presents itself as an alternative to the uber liberal Star Tribune. The Star Tribune refuses to print any letter refuting global warming claims for example.
You need to cater to the needs of all of the readers. This is mirrored in broadcast media. Conservative radio shows are ratings winners while liberal programs languish on the vine.
Get a clue publishers and editors or the next job lost could be yours.
John Wilder***
A Small Paper's Big GainsThank you for the
article on the success of the Bend Bulletin. My wish now is that other writers evaluating the health of the newspaper industry would recognize similar positive stories can be found at a number of "small" dailies throughout the United States.
It's worth a chuckle to those of us who read the fairly regular stream of obituaries for the industry while looking at circulation reports indicating growth over the previous year.
Steve McClureManaging Editor
Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Thick Skin for Online CommentsI live in Nashville and have been on the Tennessean's
message board. One needs a crash helmet and very thick skin to post there.
The most popular internet message boards/board sites have very strict rules about personal insults and personal attacks on other posters. One of the most popular, Television Without Pity, takes it several steps further and allows no comments at all about other posters, and has several 'netiquette rules that range from proper use of language to getting permission from administrators to start new threads.
Of course, it won't work without moderators.
What is interesting about a message board like the Tennessean's is that it gives a window into just how hostile communications have become from people in various polarized socio-economic-political camps.
Mary BraceNashville, Tenn.
Won't Throw PETA a BoneEarth to
PETA director of written communications: If you think animals should have the same status and rights as humans, give Rover the keys to your car and tell it to go get you a six-pack.
Will Daniel
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