By: E&P Staff The Rock Bottom Remainders are coming to New York City's Webster Hall tonight to play a variety of instruments, despite the fact that they all know their way around a keyboard.
A computer keyboard, that is. The RBRs include
Detroit Free Press/Tribune Media Services columnist Mitch Albom and former Miami Herald/TMS humor columnist Dave Barry. The band tonight is also "featuring" Creators Syndicate humor columnist Andy Borowitz, among others, along with "special guest" Roger McGuinn of The Byrds fame.
Another band member is syndicated "Life in Hell" cartoonist Matt Groening (better known for "The Simpsons"). And non-newspaper people in the group include authors such as Stephen King and Amy Tan.
Tonight's concert, which benefits children's literacy programs and other causes, is billed as part of the band's 15th anniversary "Still Younger Than Keith Tour."
(Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards is 63, by the way.)
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