Gallup: Only 37% Approve of Congress, a 'Surprising Drop'

By: E&P Staff A new Gallup Poll released today finds what Frank Newport, its director, calls a ?surprising drop in Americans? approval of the way Congress is handling its job.?

A poll completed last week found only 37% of American approve of Congress' job performance, down from 45% just one month ago, and its lowest rating since 1999. ?My guess,? Newport reports, ?is that congressional approval is suffering from a generalized reaction to the bickering about Social Security.?

In the same poll, only 42% said they were ?satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S.? This is down from 45% in February. A closer look finds a dramatic partisan divide, with 69% of Republicans saying they are satisfied and only 18% of Democrats.

At the same time, President Bush?s approval rating stands at 52%, the same as last month.

Asked to rank the biggest problems facing the country, 28% mentioned various economic problems, 25% the war in Iraq, 12% Social Security, and 9% terrorism or health care. Among the issues mentioned by less than 1%: the energy crisis, gay issues, abortion, racism.


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