Halberstam Probe Finished -- No Fault Found (So Far)

By: Joe Strupp Police investigating the fatal accident that killed author David Halberstam have completed their inquiry without determining if anyone was at fault in the April 23 incident, according to a spokesperson for the Menlo Park (Calif.) Police Department.

"Our accident case has been completed and it has been sent to the [San Mateo County] District Attorney's Office for review," Sgt. Sharon Kauffman said in a phone message to E&P. "It is now in the hands of the District Attorney's Office."

A short press release from the police department indicated only that the review had been completed and the report forwarded to the D.A., with no mention of the findings.

Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe told the San Francisco Chronicle that he did not yet know if criminal action could be taken against anyone in the case, saying "It's too early to tell at this point."

Kevin Jones, a first-year graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, was driving Halberstam to an interview when their vehicle was involved in the accident with another vehicle. Published accounts offer differing versions of which car may have run a red light or made an improper turn. Jones had volunteered at school for the driving job.


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