By: E&P Staff King Features Syndicate is introducing its first Japanese-style, manga-influenced comic strip on May 6.
"My Cage" is co-created by manga graphic novelist Melissa DeJesus and her writing partner, Ed Power.
The strip -- whose name spoofs the "MySpace" social-networking site's name -- focuses on a group of mostly 20-something and 30-something anthropomorphized animals. The lead character is Norman, a young platypus who wants to be a world-famous writer but is stuck in an unfulfilling middle-management job.
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My Cage" is starting with nearly 30 newspapers, including the Houston Chronicle, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Chicago Sun-Times, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and The Capital Times of Madison, Wisc.
Universal Press Syndicate was the first major U.S. syndicate to offer manga-style comics.
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